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Notification of Credit Reporting Rights for Colorado consumers

proper identification of any consumer, clearly, accurately, and in a manner that is understandable to the consumer, disclose to the consumer, in writing, all information in its files at the time of the request pertaining to the consumer, including but not limited to a set of instructions, presented in a manner that is understandable to the consumer, describing how information is presented on its written disclosure of the file, and a consumer reporting agency shall notify a consumer, by letter sent by first-class mail, that the consumer reporting agency will provide the consumer with a disclosure copy of his or her consumer file at no charge and a toll-free telephone number to call to request such copy, when one of the following events occurs within a twelve-month period:

the consumer reporting agency has received eight credit inquiries pertaining to the consumer, or the consumer reporting agency has received a report that would add negative information to a consumer's file. Each consumer reporting agency shall, upon request of a consumer, provide the consumer with one disclosure copy of his or her file per year at no charge. If the consumer requests more than one disclosure copy of his or her file per year, the consumer reporting agency may charge the consumer up to eight dollars for each additional disclosure copy. The consumer has the right to request and obtain a copy of his or her credit score report.

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